I've just got to share the good stuff I read.

I love to read. I read every chance I get. If I read something really good, I want to share it with my friends and co-workers. I make copies of magazine articles, read aloud to my students, tell others about good books I'm reading, and keep a book with me at all times.

I love teaching and learning new things. I need a place to share some of the lessons and what my students and I learn. Since my teaching situation is different from everyone else's in my school, I would like to tell all of you in the blog-o-sphere about these great lessons.

Feel free to share what you are reading, teaching and learning with us in the comments.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

And the answer is 'no'

Sad day today. The answer that I have been waiting for, sure that it was going to be 'yes' since I am eternally an optimist, well, the answer was 'no'. We are going in another direction. We don't want you and your experience, expertise, and opinions.

Really disappointed.

My mind had begun to dream about what fun a new start would be. How great it would be to have a small group of well fed, loved, smart children with whom I would share a year long learning adventure.

It's not that the students I work with now aren't smart or loved, they are. But the testing is out of control, the numbers I work with are ridiculous, and I HATE that trailer classroom.

Now I don't know what to do. I don't see myself in the horrible trailer for another year. Do I check out  other private schools? Look into consultant work? Ask to go back to the regular classroom. Move to another school in the same system? Or take the crumbs from the rejectors and be a substitute or tutor. I don't know.

This is the pre-school I visited in Toronto. So many good ideas in one place.

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