I've just got to share the good stuff I read.

I love to read. I read every chance I get. If I read something really good, I want to share it with my friends and co-workers. I make copies of magazine articles, read aloud to my students, tell others about good books I'm reading, and keep a book with me at all times.

I love teaching and learning new things. I need a place to share some of the lessons and what my students and I learn. Since my teaching situation is different from everyone else's in my school, I would like to tell all of you in the blog-o-sphere about these great lessons.

Feel free to share what you are reading, teaching and learning with us in the comments.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Lots of reading going on here

Well, I have been reading but not posting for quite a while. I last posted a few days before my surgery. Then I was reading and recovering for several weeks. At the same time mom was having lots of health problems that required two hospitalizations and several weeks at rehab.
Mom had been diagnosed with congestive heart failure over a decade ago. She seemed like the energizer bunny, though. She kept on going and going. Finally her heart started failing.
She went to hospice on a Wednesday and passed peacefully in her sleep to her heavenly home on the following Sunday.
I still think about calling her about 4 pm at our regular phone call time.
I will continue to post her stories as I remember them.

Meanwhile as we all are quarantined from the coronavirus, here is what I've been reading.

The Blandings stories of P. G. Wodehouse -

The first magic bookshop mystery by Amanda Flower 
and a duplicate of a Wodehouse book.

The books above were found on Thriftbooks, a great book resale online store.

From the library I finally found Janet Evanovich's latest book. So funny!
And a new mystery series with a cat main character.

Also from the library, Rita Mae Brown mysteries with cat and dog sleuths.
I had read all of her books and took a break. Surprise! She has been busy writing more.

These last two are new to me. I thought a mystery solved by 'granny' might be fun.
We will see. I have 3 and a half new books to read. Hopefully the library will reopen by the time I finish reading them. 
Or I could order more from Thriftbooks.

Hope you are staying safe and well in these days of quarantine. 
Find some good books to read.

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