I've just got to share the good stuff I read.

I love to read. I read every chance I get. If I read something really good, I want to share it with my friends and co-workers. I make copies of magazine articles, read aloud to my students, tell others about good books I'm reading, and keep a book with me at all times.

I love teaching and learning new things. I need a place to share some of the lessons and what my students and I learn. Since my teaching situation is different from everyone else's in my school, I would like to tell all of you in the blog-o-sphere about these great lessons.

Feel free to share what you are reading, teaching and learning with us in the comments.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Big Daddy in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof said he was tired of mendacity. He was surrounded by lies and liars. I looked up the word online and found it means untruthfulness or a tendency to lie. The atmosphere at work has prompted some people to lie. I am disappointed in people who I thought were friends telling outright lies to me. Upon reflection I realize they did it to keep from being yelled at or embarrassed in front of everyone. I wish it weren't so. Too many Type A's in one place, I guess. We all strive to be perfect, never make a mistake, or be called out. The reality is that none of us is perfect. We all are focused on what we want and what is good for us. If it helps someone else, well, that's good, too. I am mostly interested in getting my things done and I don't like change. So I don't like to see people leave. Long ago a principal told me his goal was to have summer vacation work just like a weekend. The beginning of one year would see no change in staff from year to year. Unrealistic but I would like that too. Anyway, I guess I will try harder not to interest myself in others here at work. Just do my j-o-b and keep my head down.

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